Biden Administration Acts to Improve Opportunities for Military Spouses

Biden Executive Order
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Washington, DC – President Joe Biden took a significant step today at Fort Liberty, North Carolina, with the signing of an executive order aiming to bolster economic opportunities for military spouses, veterans, caregivers, and survivors.

“This new executive order establishes the most comprehensive set of administrative actions in our nation’s history to support the economic security of military families, veterans, spouses, caregivers and survivors,” Biden said at a large gathering of military personal and spouses at Fort Liberty.

“This executive order encourages all federal agencies to do more to retain military spouses through flexible policies, policies like granting leave when their partner has to PCS [permanent change of station], improving remote work opportunities for military spouses — including when they’re stationed overseas,” he said.

In addition to enabling more flexibility, the executive order also focuses on providing more comprehensive support to military families. For example, it facilitates spouses in seeking advice on overseas employment issues through military legal assistance officers.

Aiming to counter the unique challenges military families face, the order implements training for federal human resources and hiring personnel to ensure a deeper understanding of the needs of these families. “You also need support to navigate challenges unique to military families, challenges like juggling child care and work while your partner’s deployed or when you’re caring for an injured loved one,” he said. “Too often, the people you work with, they just don’t know … they don’t know what you’re going through.”

Furthermore, the executive order prioritizes resources, notably affordable child care. The president announced the acceleration of the implementation of the dependent care flexible spending account. This provision allows military families to receive a pretax benefit for daycare, preschool, summer camps, and more.

“Today, we’re accelerating the implementation of the dependent care flexible spending account, which will give military families the option to receive a pretax benefit for daycare, preschool and summer camps, and much more,” Biden said. “This order also focuses on providing resources … for military spouses who are entrepreneurs.”

Moreover, the order fosters entrepreneurship among military spouses by introducing new funding options, including grants and loans to help start and sustain businesses.

The executive order is a crucial step in sustaining the all-volunteer force as it approaches its 50th anniversary next month. The president credits the military’s prowess to the spouses, caregivers, and survivors who have continually supported U.S. military personnel.

“All of you who raised your hand, all of you who volunteered are the reason that our military today is the greatest fighting force in the history of the world, bar none — that’s the reason. And the reason we’ve been able to sustain that force year after year, decade after decade is because military spouses, caregivers and survivors have answered the call, as well.”

This legislation draws heavily on the work done by Joining Forces, a White House initiative led by First Lady Dr. Jill Biden and former First Lady Michelle Obama, aiming to provide support to military families, caregivers, and survivors of the U.S. military.

Acknowledging the executive order’s potential limitations, Dr. Jill Biden called on the private sector to extend their support. She urged employers to recruit military spouses and provide flexible work opportunities, enhancing the talent retention in businesses, wherever in the world they operate.

The First Lady further emphasized the immeasurable value that military spouses bring to the workforce. Their unique experiences, resilience, and adaptability cultivated from navigating the demanding lifestyle of military service, she noted, offer a unique perspective that can’t be learned elsewhere.

“This moment belongs to your community,” Jill Biden told those in attendance. “I want to thank all the military spouses everywhere who made it possible. Thank you for sharing your stories. Thank you for trusting us to make this right.”

Their talent, however, is often underutilized due to the transient nature of military life. This is a challenge that President Biden’s executive order seeks to address. By promoting remote work and flexible policies, the aim is to make it easier for military spouses to maintain continuity in their careers despite frequent relocations.

Additionally, the order aims to bolster the entrepreneurial spirit among military spouses. Recognizing the potential of small businesses in job creation and economic development, the executive order includes provisions for funding options like grants and loans, designed to help military spouses not just start, but also sustain their businesses. This move will not only facilitate economic independence among military spouses but also contribute to local economies around military bases.

“We’re calling on employers everywhere to do their part: Recruit military spouses [and] offer flexible work opportunities so that you can retain their talent no matter where in the world they are working. Yes, it’s vital for the future of our nation, but it’s also a great way to find the dynamic talent that your businesses need,” said the first lady.

However, the government acknowledges that these steps, while significant, may not completely solve all the challenges faced by military families. The private sector has a critical role to play in bridging the remaining gaps. Echoing the First Lady’s call to action, President Biden urged employers to recruit military spouses actively and offer flexible work opportunities.

The President concluded his speech on an optimistic note, asserting his faith in the potential of this new executive order to create a meaningful change in the lives of military families. He emphasized that the strength of our military is not just in those who serve, but also in the families that support them.

The signing of this executive order is a significant milestone, but it’s also a commitment – a promise to our military families that their well-being, success, and happiness matter to the nation they serve.

Source: Dept. of Defense