New VA Health Assessment

FYI: VA Provides Care to Eligible Veterans’ Family Members

Did you know some Veterans and their family members have access to VA-covered care through several special programs such as the Civilian Health and Medical Program of VA (CHAMPVA)? More than 700,000 beneficiaries (spouses and children) are eligible to receive specific types of care and services through four family member-focused VA programs: There are many…

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Biden Executive Order

Biden Administration Acts to Improve Opportunities for Military Spouses

Washington, DC – President Joe Biden took a significant step today at Fort Liberty, North Carolina, with the signing of an executive order aiming to bolster economic opportunities for military spouses, veterans, caregivers, and survivors. “This new executive order establishes the most comprehensive set of administrative actions in our nation’s history to support the economic…

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More Survivors of Veterans Eligible for PACT Act Benefits

In August 2022, the PACT Act significantly enhanced the eligibility for Veterans’ benefits, extending the reach to more survivors than ever before. This new legislation recognizes additional presumptive conditions and toxic exposure locations, making it simpler for Veterans to connect certain health conditions to their military service. Related Articles: What’s the PACT Act and How…

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Military Spouses and High Unemployment Rates: Why Companies Should Hire These Resilient Individuals

Introduction Military spouses often face high unemployment rates due to the unique challenges of military life, such as frequent relocations and a lack of stable job opportunities. Despite these difficulties, military spouses possess valuable skills, adaptability, and resilience that make them exceptional assets to any company. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind…

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