Comprehensive Guide to Life Insurance Options for Veterans and Their Families

Life Insurance
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Life insurance is an essential component of financial planning, offering peace of mind and protection for your loved ones in the event of your passing. For veterans and their families, there are several life insurance options tailored to their unique needs and circumstances. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various life insurance options available to veterans, the eligibility criteria, and how to choose the best plan for you and your family.

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Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI)

SGLI is a group term life insurance policy specifically designed for active-duty servicemembers, reservists, and members of the National Guard. This program provides affordable and comprehensive coverage with a maximum benefit of $400,000.

Upon leaving the military, veterans can convert their SGLI coverage to one of the following options:

  • Veterans’ Group Life Insurance (VGLI)
  • Veterans Affairs Life Insurance (VALife)
  • A commercial life insurance policy through the SGLI Veterans Insurance Transition (VIT) program

Visit the VA Website to Learn More About Available Life Insurance Options

Veterans’ Group Life Insurance (VGLI)

VGLI is a group term life insurance policy available to veterans who previously had SGLI coverage. It offers the same maximum coverage amount as SGLI ($400,000) and can be increased in increments of $25,000 up to the maximum. VGLI has no health questions or medical exams required if you apply within 240 days of separation from service. However, if you apply after the 240-day window, you’ll need to answer health questions and may be subject to a medical exam.

You may be eligible for VGLI if you meet at least 1 of these requirements:

    • You had part-time Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI) as a member of the National Guard or Reserve. And you suffered an injury or disability (damage to your body or mind that makes it hard for you to do everyday tasks, including meaningful work) while on duty—including direct traveling to and from duty—that disqualified you for standard premium insurance rates, OR
    • You had SGLI while you were in the military and you’re within 1 year and 120 days of being released from an active-duty period of 31 or more days, OR
    • You’re within 1 year and 120 days of retiring or being released from the Ready Reserve or National Guard, OR
    • You’re within 1 year and 120 days of assignment to the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) of a branch of service, or to the Inactive National Guard (ING). This includes members of the United States Public Health Service Inactive Reserve Corps (IRC), OR
    • You’re within 1 year and 120 days of being put on the Temporary Disability Retirement List (TDRL).

Veterans Affairs Life Insurance (VALife)

VALife provides low-cost coverage to Veterans with service-connected disabilities. VALife is guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance. This means that if you meet the eligibility requirements for VALife, we’ll automatically approve your application. You won’t need to prove you’re in good health. And you can keep your coverage for the rest of your life.

You can get these benefits:

  • Up to $40,000 in whole life insurance coverage (in $10,000 increments), and
  • Cash value that starts to add up 2 years after we approve your application

You may be eligible for VALife if you meet at least 1 of these requirements:

  • If you’re age 80 or Younger: You’re eligible for VALife if you have a VA service-connected disability rating—even if your rating is 0%.
  • There’s no time limit to apply after getting your disability rating.
  • If you’re age 81 or older, you may be eligible for VALife if you meet these requirements.

    All of these must be true:
  • You applied for VA disability compensation before you turned 81 years old, AND
  • You got your service-connected disability rating after you turned 81, AND
  • You apply for VALife within 2 years of getting notification of your disability rating

Learn More About Veterans Affairs Life Insurance

Service-Disabled Veterans’ Insurance (S-DVI)

Service-Disabled Veterans Life Insurance (S-DVI) provides low-cost coverage to eligible service members. This program stopped taking new applications after December 31, 2022. But if you already have S-DVI, you can keep it. Learn more about S-DVI on the VA Website.

S-DVI offers a maximum coverage amount of $10,000, and premiums are waived for veterans who are totally disabled.

Family Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (FSGLI)

FSGLI is a life insurance policy available to spouses and dependent children of servicemembers covered under SGLI. This coverage offers a maximum benefit of $100,000 for spouses and $10,000 for dependent children. Upon the servicemember’s separation from the military, spouses can convert their FSGLI coverage to a commercial life insurance policy within 120 days without proof of good health.

You may be eligible for FSGLI if you’re the spouse or dependent child of a service member who meets one of these requirements.

One of these must be true:

  • The service member is on active duty and covered by full-time SGLI, OR
  • The service member is a member of the National Guard or Ready Reserve covered by full-time SGLI

You may qualify to get FSGLI as the spouse of someone with SGLI coverage no matter if your own status is active duty, retired, or civilian.

Learn More About Family Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance

Commercial Life Insurance Policies

Under certain conditions, the option to convert to a commercial insurance policy is extended to persons covered under the SGLI and VGLI programs, as well as spouses covered under FSGLI. Select one of the links below to find out when each type of policy may be converted.

In addition to the government-sponsored life insurance programs mentioned above, veterans and their families can also consider commercial life insurance policies. These policies come in various forms, such as term life, whole life, and universal life insurance, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks.

When choosing a commercial life insurance policy, consider factors such as:

  • Coverage Amount
  • Premium Costs
  • Policy Term
  • Additional Riders Or Benefits
  • Financial Stability Of The Insurance Provider

It’s essential to compare multiple insurance providers and policies to ensure you’re getting the best coverage at the most affordable price.

Tips for Choosing the Right Life Insurance Policy

When evaluating life insurance options, consider the following tips to help you make an informed decision:

  • Assess Your Financial Needs: Determine the amount of coverage necessary to protect your family’s financial future, considering factors like debt, future expenses, and potential loss of income.
  • Understand the Different Types of Policies: Familiarize yourself with the various life insurance policies available, including their benefits, drawbacks, and costs, to determine which best suits your needs.
  • Shop Around: Obtain quotes from multiple insurance providers to compare the coverage, costs, and policy terms. This will help you find the best policy at the most competitive price.
  • Consult with a Financial Advisor or Insurance Agent: Professional advice can be invaluable when navigating the complex world of life insurance. A financial advisor or insurance agent can help you assess your needs and recommend suitable policies.
  • Review Your Policy Periodically: Life circumstances can change, and so can your insurance needs. Regularly reviewing your policy ensures that your coverage remains adequate and up-to-date with your family’s financial needs.
  • Look for Veteran-Specific Benefits: Some commercial insurance providers offer special benefits, discounts, or programs tailored to veterans and their families. Be sure to inquire about any veteran-specific offerings when comparing policies.


Life insurance is a crucial component of financial planning, providing security and peace of mind for veterans and their families. By understanding the various life insurance options available, assessing your financial needs, and carefully comparing policies, you can ensure that you choose the best coverage to protect your loved ones. Remember to consult with a financial advisor or insurance agent if you need guidance or have any questions about choosing the right life insurance policy for you and your family.