Reps. AOC and Dan Crenshaw Unlikely Bipartisan Effort Seeks to Legalize Psychedelic Treatment for Veterans with PTSD, TBI

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Unusual Allies Rally for Psychedelic Therapy Access for War Veterans

Washington, DC – In an unprecedented collaborative effort, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a liberal representative from New York, and Rep. Dan Crenshaw, a conservative from Texas, are uniting to propose legislation that could grant military veterans access to psychedelic treatment options.

The target of this bipartisan initiative is to address notoriously challenging conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI) that have seen a surge among veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, PTSD rates are twice as high as they were for Vietnam-era veterans. Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported over 450,000 US military personnel have suffered from TBI between 2000 and 2021.

This worrying trend, alongside an increasing body of research pointing to the potential therapeutic benefits of psychedelic treatments, sparked the partnership of these two unconventional Congress members.

Crenshaw, a former Navy Seal who suffered an eye injury from an IED in Afghanistan, said, “This is a real wild coalition.” His interest in the issue was ignited by witnessing friends, profoundly affected by war, finding relief in psychedelic treatments, albeit not legally approved in the US except under rigid conditions.

“Psychedelics have shown so much promise,” said Ocasio-Cortez. “We desperately need the resources to treat PTSD, traumatic brain injury and depression. At least one in two PTSD patients cannot tolerate or do not respond adequately to existing treatments.”

The representatives have managed to incorporate a moderated version of their proposed bill into the expansive National Defense Authorization Act anticipated to pass the House. However, a similar provision is not present in the Senate’s version.

Crenshaw has received assurance from House Speaker Kevin McCarthy that their complete bill, inclusive of funding and clinical trials, will be included when the Senate and House meet to reconcile their respective defense bills.

Ocasio-Cortez urged veterans and others seeking relief to put pressure on the Senate. “I know the power of this community to rise up and make itself heard,” she concluded.

Source: New York Daily News