Military Spouses and High Unemployment Rates: Why Companies Should Hire These Resilient Individuals

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Military spouses often face high unemployment rates due to the unique challenges of military life, such as frequent relocations and a lack of stable job opportunities. Despite these difficulties, military spouses possess valuable skills, adaptability, and resilience that make them exceptional assets to any company. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind the high unemployment rates among military spouses and why hiring these individuals is a smart move for companies looking to build strong, diverse teams.

Understanding the Unemployment Crisis Among Military Spouses

Military spouses face unique challenges in their job search, including frequent relocations, unpredictable schedules, and limited opportunities in remote locations. These factors contribute to an alarmingly high unemployment rate of approximately 24%, which is more than four times the national average.

While there are many federal protections in place for service members, including those serving in the Guard or Reserves who must leave civilian jobs when called up, there are no specific federal protections for the employment of military spouses during the challenging times that military family life presents. In the absence of company policies, experiences can vary significantly.

Military spouses often discover that a compassionate boss who develops a plan that benefits both the company and the needs of the military family can make a world of difference. Conversely, a boss who fails to do so may leave them with no choice but to resign from their job.

Upon investigating the efforts of companies across the country to hire and retain military spouses, we discovered that only a few have official policies in place specifically for military spouse employees. Some of the companies at the forefront of this movement include T-Mobile, USAA, and Wells Fargo.

Unfortunately, many companies remain unaware if they employ military spouses. Often, these individuals may not disclose their status, fearing potential discrimination if an employer becomes aware of an impending relocation.

Military Spouse Unemployment Poses a Threat to Military Readiness

For the sixth consecutive year, employment remains the top concern for active-duty military spouses, as reported by the Blue Star Families annual lifestyle survey.

The alarming unemployment rate among military spouses is not due to a lack of education. In fact, they are significantly more educated than the average American. However, constant relocations, employment gaps on resumes, limited opportunities across industries, inflexible remote work options, and employer unawareness of the valuable skills military spouses possess often create insurmountable barriers to employment.

In a society where dual incomes are often crucial for a family’s financial stability, this statistic sheds light on a startling recent trend: one in six military families experience food insecurity, as revealed by the latest research from the Military Family Advisory Network.

The US Department of Defense and policymakers are increasingly recognizing military spouse unemployment as a threat to the nation’s all-volunteer military readiness. The pressing question is, how can a service member concentrate on their mission when they are concerned about their children’s nutritional needs? Moreover, why would they choose to remain in the military if leaving could provide financial security through gainful employment for both spouses?

The Resilience and Adaptability of Military Spouses

Military spouses are well-known for their resilience and adaptability, as they must continually adjust to new environments, communities, and challenges. These qualities make them exceptional employees who are quick to learn, adjust to change, and tackle challenges head-on.

As military spouses seek employment opportunities, companies may inadvertently miss out on their potential by automatically excluding them from applicant pools due to employment gaps or failing to offer occasional accommodations to retain them as employees.

Similar to veteran applicants, who once experienced significantly higher unemployment rates but now have lower rates than the national average thanks to focused hiring efforts, military spouses represent valuable assets rather than liabilities.

Not only do military spouses possess higher levels of training in their respective fields, but they also embody the resilience and adaptability learned through military family life. They tackle problems without complaints, adapt to situations beyond their control, and navigate complex group dynamics – all qualities that employers often desire in their employees.

Due to their transient lifestyles, military spouses often possess diverse skill sets and experiences, making them versatile and valuable employees. Companies that hire military spouses can benefit from their broad range of expertise and their ability to bring fresh perspectives to the workplace.

The Benefits of Hiring Military Spouses for Companies

Hiring military spouses offers companies numerous benefits, including increased diversity, a strong work ethic, and access to a pool of adaptable, skilled employees. Companies that actively recruit and support military spouses can expect to see improvements in employee retention, engagement, and overall productivity.

Best Practices for Companies to Support Military Spouses

To support military spouses in the workplace, companies can implement policies and programs that cater to their unique needs, such as:

  • Offering flexible work arrangements, including remote work and adjustable schedules.
  • Providing relocation assistance and support during deployments.
  • Developing targeted recruitment initiatives for military spouses.
  • Partnering with military spouse employment programs and resources, such as the Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP).


Hiring military spouses is a smart business decision that can lead to a more diverse, adaptable, and resilient workforce. By understanding and addressing the unique challenges faced by military spouses, companies can tap into a pool of skilled, resourceful employees who are more than capable of contributing to the success of any organization.